Numerical sequences, letters, meridians and parallels, useful and necessary to contact the collaborators of the Master Pell and to deepen, without hurry, the aesthetic and stylistic value of the proposals included in the New Collection. The info point is an important reference for obtaining operational clarifications and to allow you to receive, in a short time, the precious folders and color bribes that conform, season after season, the collections created and proposed by the master pell Trading Company. The reversible contact with companies that decide to interpret and use our articles for the realization of their products, is synonymous of innovative will, desire for authenticity, professional seriousness, mutual involvement. Only through the creative comparison, the constant and constructive relationship between supplier and customer, it is possible to achieve prestigious results, respecting the respective corporate identities. Master Pell Trading Company, a company, a reliable brand, able to guarantee high quality products at reasonable prices. The constant presence at international fairs guarantee an informative exchange of undoubted strategic value, to guarantee the effectiveness and efficiency of the commercial contact.

master pell srl

leather trading company

via masani 42/44 50054
fucecchio Firenze

T +39 0571 24 28 50
F +39 0571 24 69 12
Osvaldo Tonini

Valentina Santoli

Simone Pagni